5-9 Oct 2015 Saint-Michel-l'Observatoire (04870) (France)

Travel & accommodation > Travel & accommodation


OHP is located in a rather isolated area, about 100km north of Marseille. Most of you will land at Marseille Marignane International Airport or arrive by train (TGV) at Aix-en-Provence TGV railway station. 

You can rent a car there, but there are also bus shuttles that will transport you to Manosque (either from the airport or from the railway station: http://www.info-ler.fr/doc/ficheshoraires/2014-2015/fh2015web/ler-26-2015.pdf, 1:30 hour travel, 5 round-trip / day). Manosque is 15km from OHP and an OHP driver can pick you up there. It is more convenient that you stop at Manosque SNCF rather than Manosque Gare Routière. In any case, inform us so the driver will know where to go. We will organize this service sunday 4th afternoon, also saturday 10st afternoon, if some of you may arrive earlier or leave later. 

You will find here general informations on how to reach OHP by air, railway, bus or car.  And if you are lost, feed your GPS with OHP coordinates Longitude = 5° 42' 44" E and Latitude = +43° 55' 54"  ...



Hotel - You can be lodged inside the Observatory for the period of the conference, in single or double rooms.  Please contact us at ohp.sejours@osupytheas.fr if you want a room at OHP.

Alternatively, here is a list of the hotels around, all within 15 min by car from OHP. A bus service for the conference attendees will be organized to three hotels (see the hotels list). For the other hotels, you will need your own car. We recommend to make your reservation well in advance.

Lunchs - All participants are invited to the Maison Jean Perrin where the lunchs will be served. Lunchs are included in the registration fees. The Maison Jean Perrin is within the domain of the observatory, about 400m from the conference room.

For those of you who have a room at OHP, dinners can be served at the Maison Jean Perrin in the evening. The price is about 15 euros per dinner, reservation must be done one day in advance at least. Alternatively, there are of course several restaurants in Saint-Michel, Mane or Forcalquier.

Cash - If you need cash, note that there is no cash dispencer in Saint-Michel, but there are several in Forcalquier, around the Place du Bourget, just near the cathedral.

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